Thursday, November 10, 2011

Eiffle Tower

From Edinburgh to Coventry to London to Paris.  It's been crazy to say the least.  Where to start? Well I met up with a friend of mine from Colorado that is working for a Football club in England called Coventry FC.  Coventry is a small city just on the outside of Birmingham.  Big Mike showed me a great time in Coventry and I even got to see a football match when Coventry City took on South Hampton.  South Hampton is on the top of the Championship division and scores a lot of goals.  Coventry ended up losing 4-2, but the atmosphere of the game was absolutely awesome. 

From Coventry it was off to Paris, France to hang out with some friends that I had studied abroad with in London in 2007.  I decided hey I'll just take the night bus there.  Crazy idea!  Imagine this, 10 hours of sitting in a greyhound style bus completely packed with people.  In my mind I was thinking why in the world was I taking the night bus to France instead of spending the extra cash and taking the train.  Whatever, I was already on the bus and I've just go to enjoy this experience.  A few hours into the bus ride, a drunk man who had smuggled whiskey onto the train was super drunk and becoming obnoxious to many of the passengers on the bus.  Long story short, a fight almost broke out 3 feet from me and I was absolutely terrified.  Thank god nothing happened I made it to Paris at 8:11am.

Here we are Paris! I was meeting up with a girl that I was couchsurfing with later in the day so I grabbed a coffee at a mom and pop coffee shop, whipped out the ukulele and rocked away.  From there made I went to the beautiful Eiffel tower.  Paris is amazing the stereotype of the people being jerks isn't true at all from what I've seen.  Just a few more days here and then it's off to Barcelona.


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