Friday, October 14, 2011

Week in Berlin

Where to start.  I feel like its been so long since I've last blogged.  I'm currently hanging out in Berlin, Germany and I can honestly say its been one of my favorite cities thus far on the trip.  I arrived on the 6th of October just after a fun filled adventure in Munich for Oktoberfest.  Once I arrived the first thing on my mind was "sleep" and then go do all the cool touristy things during the week.  Once I got to Berlin, I unloaded all of my stuff did some laundry and slept.  It was the greatest sleep of my life I can assure you of that.  From there I met some other people in my hostel and had a few drinks at a bar on the bottom floor of our place.

On the next day I decided to get cultured and took a free walking tour around the city to learn a little bit about Berlin.  The tour was great and now I want to do a whole revision on the Prussian empire again.  I never would have said that 4 years ago while in college.  Later in the day I went and busked in the streets promoting my album and preparing for the Oxjam Music Festival coming shortly.

Later in the week I met up with the cousins from North Carolina Keith and Cory Sherman who are cycling across Europe with their tents, a few pots and pans and their beards.  We all met each other in Munich and decided that we would all go to Berlin to celebrate Keith's 25th birthday before he had to fly back and start work again at Trader Joes.  We had a blast to say the least.

I played a small gig in Berlin and all the people I had met from Munich and Berlin all decided to come out.  We had a great crowd and it was a lot of fun.  We'll only 8 more days until my show in London.  I'm really looking forward to it.  Until then catch everybody Monday for the latest Web-Series.

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