Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wie Gehts?

Sitting in a small-cafe that is part of the hostel that I am staying at in Munich, Germany going over all of the random videos that I managed to take while participating in some adult fun here at Oktoberfest.  Prague and Oktoberfest definitely lived up to the hype.  Oktoberfest was similar to that of a massive carnival that you would find at your local fairgrounds.  Cotton candy, hot-dogs, almonds covered in brown sugar and all the typical things you would find at a carnival.  Once you walk into a the madness begins and thousands of people are up cheering, celebrating and having fun while the band rocks away a mixture of American classics like Sweet-Home Alabama, Sweet Carolina, and others that are well known.

Before I headed to Oktoberfest I decided to take a detour and head north to Prague, a city that has been raved about by many of my friends.  Prague is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen and I enjoyed my few days there. I caught up with some southern travelers that were in Prague seeing some of their friends that they had played golf with in college and now played for the European tour.  We all had a blast and the memories will never be forgotten.

Now where to go next.  Berlin!

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