Monday, August 29, 2011

Bound For Greece

It’s 3:17pm here in Philadelphia, PA as I sit in the food court munching on a chick-fil-a chicken sandwich getting ready for my flight bound for Greece at 4:20pm. It’s funny how the actual flight time is at 4:20, not sure everyone will get this, but if you do light one up for Big AL :).

Last night my flight from Charleston to Philadelphia was canceled due to miss Hurricane Irene causing problems in the northeast, but no worries I flew to Charlotte at 11:00am and then on to Philly before my 4:20 departure to Greece. It all worked out perfect because it actually allowed me to sleep in a few extra hours.

I have no idea what to expect when I arrive to Greece and have only been subjecting myself to online reviews and people I’ve met that have shared there stories with me, but from the sounds of it, Greece is gonna be a blast. I haven’t even booked a Hostel to stay in yet, so I’m sure my mom will be worried half to death.

p.s. Ma nothing to worry about, I’ll be ok :).

The flight from Philly to Greece is 17 hours long, so I’m praying that there will be online Wi-Fi so I can get everything situated and keep myself occupied.

Also, thank you to everyone who has purchased either my debut Album “Self Discovery” or a “Good Vibes” T-Shirt. Your support is much appreciated and I truly think you for this.

For info on where to buy my Album please go to iTunes and Search for
Allen Smith or Self Discovery

To buy a Good Vibes T-shirt please visit and click on T-shirts

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Boston and back!

My first trip to the city of Boston, MA was awesome.  My business partner and close friend Dan Greenberg lives in the North End, an area surrounded by history of over 300 years.  Paul Revere's Old North Church, Bunker Hill Monument, the U.S.S Constitution, and the site of the Boston Massacre were just a few of the historic sites I got to see.  I wish I would have been able to catch a Red Sox game, but there were busy beatin down the Kansas City Royals in KC, so no luck there.

As a first timer in Boston one thing I really noticed about the city was the sense of pride you felt to be an American.  It's really where America got started and walking on the same streets as some of the founding fathers was a so-real  experience.

Now back to the business... We've launched the site, so be sure to be on the lookout for any updates we will begin to announce on there.  Athen's Greece in a week

Friday, August 12, 2011

Back in Ole South Carolina!

Hanging out back home in SC has been great thus far! I guess the only thing I can really complain about is the heat. After living in Denver for a few years I thought I would come back and be able to withstand it. Boy was I wrong. With that said it's been great catching up with old friends and being around family before I head out on this journey.

The nerves are starting to kick in as I am only a few weeks away from my departure to Greece. Greece's economic struggles are definitely questions of concern, but I think there may be a different story to be told once I arrive.

So, Where will I be staying when I get to Europe?

There is a cool website out there called couch      

which allows you to contact residents in different countries that will offer their couch for a few days. I think this will be the best way to get in with the local community and find the music scene.

We are still in the works for the CD Release party, but the announcement will be made next week, so please stay tuned.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Album "Self Discovery"

This is what we've all been waiting for.  My debut Album "Self Discovery"

I'm super pumped about it and I hope you will be to.

Very limited number of albums available!!


How do I buy one?
Pre-Order the album below going through PayPal

When will I receive the Album?
-The album will be shipped to you or it can be picked up at the CD Release party on August 26th in Charleston, SC

Can I buy it off iTunes, Amazon, etc..?

-Yes, but the date is TBD 

Preview album on iTunes
