Friday, August 12, 2011

Back in Ole South Carolina!

Hanging out back home in SC has been great thus far! I guess the only thing I can really complain about is the heat. After living in Denver for a few years I thought I would come back and be able to withstand it. Boy was I wrong. With that said it's been great catching up with old friends and being around family before I head out on this journey.

The nerves are starting to kick in as I am only a few weeks away from my departure to Greece. Greece's economic struggles are definitely questions of concern, but I think there may be a different story to be told once I arrive.

So, Where will I be staying when I get to Europe?

There is a cool website out there called couch      

which allows you to contact residents in different countries that will offer their couch for a few days. I think this will be the best way to get in with the local community and find the music scene.

We are still in the works for the CD Release party, but the announcement will be made next week, so please stay tuned.

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