Monday, August 29, 2011

Bound For Greece

It’s 3:17pm here in Philadelphia, PA as I sit in the food court munching on a chick-fil-a chicken sandwich getting ready for my flight bound for Greece at 4:20pm. It’s funny how the actual flight time is at 4:20, not sure everyone will get this, but if you do light one up for Big AL :).

Last night my flight from Charleston to Philadelphia was canceled due to miss Hurricane Irene causing problems in the northeast, but no worries I flew to Charlotte at 11:00am and then on to Philly before my 4:20 departure to Greece. It all worked out perfect because it actually allowed me to sleep in a few extra hours.

I have no idea what to expect when I arrive to Greece and have only been subjecting myself to online reviews and people I’ve met that have shared there stories with me, but from the sounds of it, Greece is gonna be a blast. I haven’t even booked a Hostel to stay in yet, so I’m sure my mom will be worried half to death.

p.s. Ma nothing to worry about, I’ll be ok :).

The flight from Philly to Greece is 17 hours long, so I’m praying that there will be online Wi-Fi so I can get everything situated and keep myself occupied.

Also, thank you to everyone who has purchased either my debut Album “Self Discovery” or a “Good Vibes” T-Shirt. Your support is much appreciated and I truly think you for this.

For info on where to buy my Album please go to iTunes and Search for
Allen Smith or Self Discovery

To buy a Good Vibes T-shirt please visit and click on T-shirts

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