Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Day In A Life

It's 8:50am Mountain Time here in Denver, CO and I am getting everything ready for this exciting Tuesday....

Yeah, that's my phone and it's dieing for me to make some more phone calls...

 I'm 51 days from my departure from the USA, and I've got a lot to do before I head off to Europe. 

Here are a few of the things I'm working diligently on:

1st- A Good Vibes website is currently under construction allowing fellow followers and friends to purchase Good Vibes products and follow our movement around the world

2nd-STUDIO TIME!! I'm working with DerryBerry Audio Here in Denver to Record my first studio album!

In the meantime, you'll catch me out in about playing music at local coffee shops and bars.  Here is a clip from my latest show @ Wash Perk in Denver, CO

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